Update on California’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care — Progress Made, Work to Do
Nearly four years ago, Governor Newsom announced California’s Master Plan for Early Learning and Care, which identified specific goal areas to improve access to quality early learning and care programs for children and families. In short order, California has made tangible, significant progress towards these targets.
Working with our many partners — and supported by historic funding from Governor Newsom and the Legislature — we have made advancements that directly support children, families, child care facilities, and the child care workforce. I hope you will take a moment to read about these many achievements.
While great progress has been made, we know there is more to do and we are continuing our work with urgency.
We look forward to building on these efforts and furthering an equitable early learning and care system that fosters the best possible outcomes for children, families, and their communities.
In Partnership,
Kim Johnson, Secretary, California Health and Human Services